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Euridice opéra séjours culturels
Culture and history, beach life and Mediterranean cuisine - the city on the Costa Blanca combines it all! The once dilapidated old town has been lovingly renovated, the Wilhelminian and Art Nouveau districts shine in new splendor, lush parks, gardens and shady promenades invite you to stroll and linger. Fascinating sights include the Plaza de La Reina with its cathedral and the Miguelete Tower, whose 207 steps are well worth climbing. The Lonja de la Seda silk exchange, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the most beautiful buildings in Valencia and is one of the most important secular Gothic buildings in Europe.
The modern contrast program presents itself to the visitor in the south of the city. For many years, the coastal city has borne the unmistakable signature of Santiago Calatrava. The star architect and native Valencian has created "Valencia’s symbol of the 21st century" with his Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias. Part of the ensemble is the modern opera palace Palau de les Arts, which looks like a giant insect and, with its 37,000 square meters, offers an enormous space for music. Valencia is rightly considered a city of culture and an absolute top destination for lovers of classical music.
Euridice Opéra
5 rue du 4 septembre
13100 Aix-en-Provence

+33 (0) 442 91 33 91

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