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Euridice opéra séjours culturels
Venise 3
Arrangement from Sunday 29 December 2024 to Wednesday 1st January 2025, 3 nights  New Year’s Eve
Concert de l’Orchestra e Coro del Teatro La Fenice, the 31, 16h
Daniel Harding
Soprano : Mariangela Sicilia
Teatro La Fenice
Tour price Venise 3 from
Price per person in double room
2 480 €
2 070 €
Please contact us for individual supplement.
The tour price per person includes
Private transfers airport-hotel-airport.
Double room accommodation including breakfast.
Very good show seats.
Repatriation assistance (for residents of western Europe only).
Autres informations

On request, we can also offer you a higher category of room or accommodation in other establishments : the Centurion Palace ***** or the Monaco et Grand Canal ****.

Entry tickets for museums and exhibitions, as well as a large choice of shows can be reserved as a supplement. A private guided discovery tour of the city can also be added.

Feel free to contact us to modify, cut short or extend your A la carte stay.
Euridice Opéra
5 rue du 4 septembre
13100 Aix-en-Provence

+33 (0) 442 91 33 91

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